Family Law Coaching
“As I adjust to life as a single, after forty years of marriage, Kathleen has offered her wise perspective, flexibility and continued humour.”
Whenever anyone has to deal with a family law situation such as a separation or a divorce, it’s always a challenging time. People are upset, stressed, and frequently confused or even frightened. Kathleen can help make it easier to navigate these difficult situations.
Kathleen’s experience and expertise have been recognized by others in the field. She has given courses and workshops in dispute resolution, including keynote addresses to the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts and the American Association of Women Judges.
Kathleen draws on this depth of experience to provide the direct, practical advice that clients need most. The stress of the family crisis can reduce everyone’s ability to make good decisions, handle unfamiliar emotions and maintain their best sense of self. Kathleen helps her clients adapt to new roles and avoid unnecessary conflict.
Kathleen also works directly with lawyers to ensure the process is as smooth as possible. It’s not unusual for family law practitioners to turn to Kathleen for advice in complex family situations.